Thursday, September 12, 2019

September 12

It’s a dark and rainy morning. The brook is a narrow, long, dark cavern between the bank on this side and the huge boulders on the other. The cardinals have been back and forth, but I've not put feeders out. Some leaves are changing color and a few hemlock needles have turned brown. Foliage has opened more, and I can see the house across the brook a little clearer.

My mind is now on putting away summer items. First, I want to clean and re-organize the garage. The goal is to better pack away summer items, store them where I can reach them easier, and hang items out of the way that aren’t used often. Then there are the plants I'd like to re-pot before bringing inside for the winter.

I’m on an energetic roll and I don’t want to stop to eat breakfast. I have a hard time getting back on track when I break the momentum. This is what makes eating breakfast so difficult for me. The creative drive is so strong in the morning and once I stop, no matter what I’m working on or even if I’m bouncing from various projects, all my energy drains.

Even getting up now to throw a croissant in the toaster could put out the flames of creative desire, and though my stomach isn’t feeling hunger, my body physically feels nutrient-drained and I am getting light-headed.

And, after feeling much better and excited about the day, I get a message that I messed up editing a newspaper article last week. I’m so mad at myself. I should have known better.

I’ll write up a correction and move on. That’s all I can do. Apologize all over myself, to myself, let it go, and move on. Mistakes happen.

Living wholeheartedly is dealing with these issues and not allowing them to drag me down. And, for me, it’s in not overthinking and dwelling which is something I’m working on.

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