Sunday, March 21, 2021

Second Day on 'Waiting for Attention'

In between editing stints, I worked on Miss Pele. The pastels I used were Senneliers, Yarka, and Rembrandt with CarbOthello pencils for details.

First, I added some rusty color to the background which will match some of her calico-cat color, then I added more color to her back fur using gray and two shades of the yellowish-brown color.

I made the ears smaller which is a big improvement. The hardest part was getting rid of the lines from the previously sketched-in ear shapes, but I finally managed.

In the end, I brought in more white using some pencil and some Sennelier, but I wasn’t happy with the day’s work and questioned why I bothered trying to do her. I’m just not able to capture her expression and create the look I want.

However, this is still a work in progress. I have to remember, too, working on Colourfix paper with its texture is different than working on the smooth BFK Rives. Also, this is only the second time I’ve attempted to paint Pele, so I suppose I should give myself some slack.

PS: I went in the studio to get the notes I’d written earlier and ended up narrowing the right upper side of her face (left side of painting). I added more of a yellow-green to her eyes, too. And, after the initial not liking of today’s work, it is an improvement from the other day.

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