Monday, October 26, 2020

Created Equal

Last night’s meditation brought questions and thoughts. Words come to me, and last night, “All men are created equal,” was at the forefront. (Of course, I’ve always taken that as including all people.)  

I’m always thinking about life and humanity. I consider myself fortunate I’m able to see more than one side in situations. (Doesn’t mean I believe in the “other” side, just that I can see how some believe that way.) For instance, at the time of the writing, the men writing believed strongly, but I believe they meant “created equal” only were for men like themselves … white, formerly British, etc.

The statement was on the right track, however, some of their behaviors didn’t live up to what they preached – just like today’s leaders, politicians, and big business people making huge promises to what will never come to good fruition. But I still believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. We can't change history and much good came from it.

And so, I wondered, where does “created equal” come from? Think about it. Is it just man impregnating woman and her giving birth? After all, we are not all born into the same types of situations. So how is that equal? How is it even possible to be totally equal? Life itself doesn't allow that, and the government certainly can't give it to us or make it so. (Hell, some of them are so high and mighty, they have no clue really what regular people go through. All they care about is getting votes to keep themselves in power. And history has proved this over and over.)

Is equal supposed to be because we have the opportunity to work for a better life? And here, I can’t even say “same opportunity” because everyone’s circumstances are different. I was born into a poorer side of middle class, but others were born worse off than I or better than I. Some people have an easier go at life, while others struggle. Some are restrained by the family and religious beliefs they grew up with.  Others find the courage to make their own way in the world.

I think this would be an interesting discussion. Not about proving someone else wrong or accusing them about being wrong. It’s not about taking sides. It’s not about cutting someone down who shares a different belief.

It’s about sharing thoughts and allowing one another to voice an opinion. It’s about thinking things over and being courteous.

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