Sunday, June 12, 2022

Is it just me?

I feel I’m pulling in further. I’m starting to get aggravated with some TV shows I’ve been watching for a long time. It’s the same with some commercials and even remakes of songs I usually like, too.

I’m totally turned off by excessive hype. I feel I’m being yelled at. Guy Fieri and Ty Pennington (TV) are two names that come to mind. I like the shows they host, and I like them, but the raised, excited voices are horribly annoying. Do they talk this way normally?

Another show I enjoy is “Expedition Unknown” because I love history and I’m treated to events and things which are new to me. A couple of times, I’ve even looked for more information the next day and found these events now televised aren’t new discoveries, and the host, Josh Gates, really isn’t the one making the discovery. Still, I appreciate the show for its historical aspects, and I am intrigued by how much I am learning about the world. (Wish history in school had been this interesting.)

However, Gates, is another one of those who goes way over the top in his enthusiasm. It’s one thing to be excited about discovery, but loud, raised, overly pumped-up voices make me lose interest. It tires me out listening to it.

Then there are the remake or live versions of songs. Jimmy Buffet’s “Cheeseburger in Paradise” is one that comes to mind. This newer version emphasizes many words, so when he sings “CHEESE burger …” (making it sound like two words) … “in PARA dise …” it reminds me of an annoying barking dog. There are other similar songs where the new versions have that barking-like emphasis, but I can’t think of them at the moment. It saddens me to hear songs I once enjoyed turned into barking to emphasize certain words.

Commercials are the worst with the raised, excited voices trying to entice you to buy whatever so-called spectacular product they’re selling. That excessive hype makes me want to run the other way and never purchase any of those products or services. (Of course, I grew up in a time where commercials had fun, catchy jingles which made you want to sing along. Now, I try to avoid commercials at all costs.)

I don’t want to be barked at or yelled at. That over enthusiasm is a big turn off for me. Is it a sign of my getting old? Maybe they feel they get more attention by shouting. Gosh, they must be exhausted if they talk like that all day. I wonder if all these people have high blood pressure. That loud yelling sucks the energy out of me if I have to listen to it.

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