Wednesday, September 4, 2024

What is Real Liberty?

I looked up a couple of definitions:

“Freedom from arbitrary and unreasonable restraint upon an individual. Freedom from restraint refers to more than just physical restraint, but also the freedom to act according to one's own will.

“The freedom to live as you wish or go where you want: For most citizens, liberty means the freedom to practice their religious or political beliefs.”

 “The quality or state of being free:

a: the power to do as one pleases

b: freedom from physical restraint

c: freedom from arbitrary or despotic control

d: the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges

e: the power of choice”

How much of that really fits the everyday U.S. citizen? Do these ideals only pertain to the wealthy and the elite?

I certainly don’t feel much freedom these days. The cost of living is exorbitant. I feel more and more chains and leashes are put on us from laws and government to the way we’re controlled by Big Pharma and huge corporations. (Don’t even get me started on the medical profession. What a joke that is now! It’s no longer about helping people be healthy. It’s often said, “They don’t make money off healthy people.”)

Then, more and more, we’re being forced to shop online and having to jump through all kinds of hoops dealing with that. In physical stores, there are often empty shelves. And all this has opened the doors to more scams, thefts, and illegal activities.

Making phone calls has turned into a total nightmare with the robo-gauntlet of a myriad of pre-recorded questions, the upselling in between, and being put on hold. And they keep saying how important your call is to them. Yeah, like the really care about you. What a joke. Then half the time, the real person who finally answers the phone can’t give you reasonable information. And they call this good customer service.

Good customer service, like other words and phrases bandied about these days, have become meaningless words whose definitions are totally opposite than what they originally intended.

Transparency is another one of those words. Every time I hear that word, I’m wondering what they’re hiding.

As in other civilizations, there is a vast division between the wealthy elite and the poor with the middle-class taxpayers falling closer and closer to the poor side, especially the elderly. The noose tightens.


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