Saturday, September 21, 2024

Decline of civilization as we know it

While sitting in the car waiting for a friend at his doctor’s appointment, I decided to meditate. I was just settling into it, when I had one of those word flow episodes and took out my book and began writing.

How do people learn to stay kind and respectful if leaders, officials, and corporations (including the medical profession) do not treat people with respect? The terms “We the People” and “good customer service” mean nothing nowadays.

How do people stay compassionate when their leaders are bullying one another horribly and showing no respect for anyone?

What’s that teaching kids? To bully those they disagree with and show no respect or compassion? What are they learning? To let machines do their thinking for them? “Press this number,” “click this button” is all they’re learning to do. Listen to some machine giving their only options?

What kind of leaders will they grow up to become when all they’re learning is how to say, “Baaa?” Technology and automation are taking away people’s abilities to question or have a say. It’s either go along with it or don’t have the services.

I know, some parents are still teaching their kids manners. But education now has also become veered away from teaching kids how to live productive lives. It’s now about becoming sheep, be good doobies doing what you’re told. Do not think for yourself. Go along with the masses.

Everyone is being brainwashed all the time. When things are repeated over and over and over, it starts getting ingrained whether it’s right or wrong. Hype, commercials drilled into your head repeatedly, and even celebrities becoming so full of themselves, they’re telling you what you should believe and do.

What are people being taught as huge corporations buy up other businesses getting huger, wealthier, and more controlling? Consumer choices become limited, prices continue to rise astronomically, then supplies are restricted to control and further increase costs for the corporations.

Even local services like fuels, electric, water companies (such as Poland Springs and Vermont Pure) and TV/phone and such are out of control. Oh, they may offer all kinds of special programs – but, for instance, why do I have to pay and exorbitant cost for 120 TV channels when I only watch half a dozen? It’s all manipulation … and the corporations get richer. And the wealthy don’t have to worry about any of this.

Goodness, the song “In the Year 2525,” recorded by Zager and Evans in 1969 is coming true today. Check the lyrics. I doubt we’re going to make it to 2525.

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