Thursday, February 24, 2022


“None of us decided how we began…” – Leslie Odum, Jr., actor and a guest on “Finding Your Roots”

The statement caught my attention and I stopped listening to the program for a few minutes. Somehow, his words struck a chord in my gut. It also resonated with the conversations I’ve been having about all men being created equal, when reality is, the only equal is that all are born from a mother’s womb. After that, circumstances, situations, life, and personal choices take everyone on different paths.

 Yeah, there are some who believe we choose the parents we’re born to. I’m not sure of that. Perhaps it is true for some, but I don’t know, and I don’t have a feeling that I particularly chose the family I was born into. I don’t regret my family, of course. I love them dearly.

And I think about how we grow and what we choose. Some strike out on new adventures while others stay close to home. Some take the path of doing good while some make other choices.

Even right and wrong isn’t black and white. I’ve been wondering how people continue to do things that are wrong. Do they feel guilty? Are they proud of themselves for getting away with something or taking advantage of somebody? Do some feel it’s OK to take from those who have more than they?

I know what I feel is right and what is wrong, but not everyone has the same set of morals. And who gets to make the decisions? Just because someone holds power, does that give them right to ride roughshod over others? Does that give them permission to invade, take over, enslave, or take advantage with false advertising, promises, and lies?

And hasn’t this been going on since mankind began? Men have always warred against other men. Leaders have always gone after more territories and more “subjects” to control. When is it right and when is it wrong?

Look at history. Technology may change, but there still seems to be the same human issues no matter the era. Mankind has always sought to control. There are always reasons and excuses why they do so.

I don’t know if there’s any one answer. I contemplate current issues today and those looking to control. Sometimes I wish I could just crawl into a hole and live a simple, creative life. Things are no longer simple, though. Maybe they never have been. “Living happily ever after” is just an illusion, a fairy tale. I guess all we can do is to make our lives the best we can and hope we get through it OK. (Of course, there is what does it mean to be OK? Ha-ha.)


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