Monday, December 27, 2021

Sasha’s Christmas 2021

Christmas Day was kind of weird. I was worried about the roads and Don and Carol coming. In the end, we decided they should stay home and come on Sunday instead. So, Christmas didn’t feel like Christmas in spite of the lights and listening to music. 

However, I didn’t even go all maudlin’ or spend most the day in tears over missing Mum like I usually do on Christmas. (She passed Christmas morning 2011.) It just felt like any other day. I did some writing, worked a bit in the studio, posted some photos, had a good lunch of turkey leftovers, and played SS in the afternoon.

 Here’s another weird thing: I woke at 3:30 the next morning to find my fan wasn’t running. I rolled over. The clock was blinking. Evidently the power had gone off. Funny, I usually hear the generator kick on, but I hadn’t.

There was light in the kitchen. I thought Pele must have jarred the table and woke the computer like she does sometime. I fell back to sleep without resetting the clock and didn’t get out of bed until almost 6 a.m. The light was still on in the kitchen. Why was that?

 I went out and found it was the light above the cabinets was on. How did that happen? I seldom even put that one on. I clicked it off and when I turned to go back in the bedroom to prepare for the day, I noticed a light under the studio door. I went in. The light that was on was one I never use. That was bit disconcerting. Is my house becoming haunted? I suppose it had to do with the power going out earlier, but that’s never happened before with odd lights just turning on when power comes back.

So, I wondered, was it Mum saying hello? I wanted more of an assurance… but it didn’t come… yet.

Don and Carol didn’t show up until 2:30. For some reason I expected them to come around noon, 1 p.m. by the latest. They each had a present for me. I opened the box… he’d made two wooden reindeer. They’re adorable!

Carol’s box to me had a mug she’d hand painted and a sparkly silver butterfly. The mug isn’t the type I like to drink out of (I have my favorite), but it’s perfect for the little C. cactus Rachel gave me and adds a bright spot of color on the kitchen windowsill.

I am so thankful, grateful, and feel blessed this year (much needed after the crappy time I’ve been having lately.)

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