Monday, August 24, 2020

Too many ongoing projects gets confusing

I’m cranky. I’m trying to get my head together, keep up to the creative fire raging within before it burns out, but I keep getting distracted. It’s laundry day and there are things needing to be done.

And, I’m playing catch up. The folder of inspiration photos to use for possible paintings is growing. I teased a friend about posting too many photos I fall in love with. She, and others, are so gracious about giving me permission to use their photos.  

Yesterday and today, many pictures are clamoring for attention. It’s like they’re all shouting, “Paint me! Paint me!” But I’m not just a pastel painter, I’m a writer, so there are always words demanding to be written, too, and I’m frustrated because I have to keep getting up to tend to necessaries. Then, once I sit back down, it takes a few minutes to get my head back around to what I was working on.

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I planned to go in the studio yesterday, but instead, took supplies out on the deck and drew two new initial sketches in a 5 ½ x 8-inch sketch book. It was such beautiful, cool morning! The slight breeze was refreshing and the little birds – chickadees, nuthatches, titmice – were back and forth to the feeders with their chitterings, along with a pair of cardinals and their, “chip, chip, chips.” The downy and hairy woodpeckers would occasionally come to the suet. My back yard looks so wonderful now that it’s been cleaned up of overgrowth.

I finished the two new sketches, then realized I had six other drawings in the book. Two were of paintings already in-process on the easels. Another has been initially sketched out on BFK Rives paper (my favorite pastel support). The other three were of various angles of a scene of which I am doing a series of paintings.

This morning I planned to hit the studio, but first I wanted to write about all these wonderful ideas and what’s happening. I am extremely happy when the creative muses are here. However, as I worked, I found another initial drawing for a possible painting.

I’ve been so busy I haven’t taken time to eat today and it’s past noon. Sometimes the lightheadedness reminds me to eat before I feel hungry. However, when I reach this stage, my stomach starts feeling queasy and I don’t want to eat – but I have to … in a bit.

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