The more I read about WWII and watch other historical shows,
the more I’m understanding that no matter what you call it – socialism,
communism, fascism, Nazism, bolshevism, etc. – it’s all very similar. (These
days I’m not even sure where democracy falls with that. Today’s democracy isn’t
what I always thought it was.) These leaders all proclaim their intent of
providing and caring for THEIR countries, but their true intent is the same.
The ONLY people who prosper are the powerful leaders, the wealthy elite and
their cronies. (And in this country, that includes big business/pharma.)
But, if you look back through the history of civilizations, the repetition can be seen. Times, circumstances, technologies, and countries may change, but the similarity in the leadership is interesting. What does that say about anyone in power and the human race?
Look at what many leaders have done to THEIR people before they move on to taking over people in other countries.
People need to start looking at the real intent behind the good-sounding promises. What can these politicians really accomplish with all their promises? What will they be ALLOWED to accomplish? The only accomplishment they really seem to care about is in how many votes they can get. How many promises actually come to fruition once they get elected?
Maybe one of the things when listening to candidates is to consider if what they promise can really happen.
I heard about a joke a few weeks ago. Basically, it was about sports people wearing logos of the businesses that support them and how Biden should wear such a coat. I think ALL politicians should wear jackets or lab-type coats with patches showing all the corporations who pay for their campaigns – which will also show the public where the votes of the candidates will go.
These days, I truly believe politicians only care about their constituents until they get elected. It doesn’t matter to them if they’re telling the truth or not. They’re only saying what they think will get votes.
Once in office, it’s all about power and playing in the big leagues. What can they do to become wealthier, support their corporate sponsors, et al. How to play the political game. Their constituents and general public get left by the wayside.