Sunday, January 22, 2023

Staying Wholehearted Has Become Impossible

How do I stay wholehearted when I’m angry and sad over the state of the country and world? I almost feel there’s no hope… (and I know many people will denounce me for that statement.) But I feel what I feel and believe what I believe.

Maybe I shouldn’t admit this, and it is MY opinion, but I totally believe our current government is out to destroy this country! I believe all these shortages and so-called supply chain issues are made up to bring American citizens to their knees. Hard working taxpayers are becoming the new slaves.

I know, I know, sometimes there are problems, but I fully believe a lot of what’s going on now is about government and big-business takeover. Those in power are jockeying for position. Nothing that’s going on is about helping American CITIZENS. Break people’s spirits and they will topple. The wedges drive people farther apart. It’s almost like we’re dissolving into tribes again. Look at the past and see the similarities to then and now.

I watch a lot of history shows and read books and articles on history. Since the beginning, every civilization has come to an end and a new civilization comes forward. Maybe it’s our time to fall. Two thousand years is about the norm, and we’re getting there. Look at the Egyptians, Romans, Aztecs, Chinese dynasties, and many other cultures. For a while they had great societies with great leaders, then came the fall. History repeats!

And yes, there are always struggles with depressions and recessions. Some countries conquer others and turn those conquered into slaves. Some countries eventually rebel against their government when their leaders become too corrupt and greedy.

The histories also include religions. Again, I will cause controversy with what I say, but everything I’m seeing and reading has me seeing religion as another way to control people. Religion has always been a factor in wars and control, too.

Yes, I believe there’s something greater than us – whether a God, or many gods or spirits, or whatever. Yes, I pray every day and night. However, I don’t believe in the what I call “man-made” religions where certain MEN have determined how a certain religion should be.

Just look at how different religions have changed over time. How often have people been brainwashed (again, my wording) using fear that if they don’t follow certain dictates, they will suffer horrors in the afterlife. People are taught that anything that goes against what their particular religion dictates is the work of Satan or the uncleansed or whatever words used by the religious.

Do I have answers? No. All I know is what I’m seeing and coming to understand about life. Whenever someone tells me what I should do or believe, I’m questioning the why. Who does it benefit? Words are words too easily believed. I now look at the actions and attitudes of those making the speeches. Too often they are not practicing what they preach which makes me wonder who’s really benefiting from the dictates. (There’s little difference between dictates and dictator.)

“Follow the money” is a phrase we should all be paying attention to. Again, who’s benefiting.

I wonder when the box cars will come for those of us who dare to speak out.

I’m already grieving the loss of life as I once knew and believed in. I’m scared. My heart has been broken so many times, I don’t know if I can ever feel wholehearted again. How sad is that.

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