Sunday, October 30, 2022

Power Corrupted Leaders -- An opinion

I don’t see any politicians really doing anything good for the people. They make more laws and set up new organizations and committees, but the problems don’t get solved. The issues get more complicated. The more laws, the less freedom… and yet, crime continues to escalate. (My mind always cries, “Who are the ones really benefiting from all this?)

They take more and more from the taxpayers, fattening their own pockets, and supporting foreigners and those unwilling to work. (Yes, there are many who need help, but there are also now so many unwilling to get a real job and think it’s their right to sit back and let others take care of them. They’ve learned how to work the system.)

Big money rules – whether through corporations like Big Pharma or even drug lords and mafia, along with many of the super-rich... who lobby and fund politicians’ campaigns. They do NOTHING for the everyday, hardworking American citizens. (At least, that’s how I see things these days.)

And I feel they care more about foreigners and foreign countries than they care about their own people. Why the government sends BILLIONS of dollars to foreign countries while U.S. citizens are homeless and go hungry is mind boggling. The Dems are also all about protecting and freeing criminals.

I just don’t get it. Why aren’t people seeing this? Because they’re too caught up believing the lies and the false promises? The liberals promote a few do-gooder things people want to hear but spend most their time spewing their hatred on anyone who disagrees.

And they’re so busy screaming against the Republicans, you have no idea what the Democrats are really up to except for fearmongering, finger pointing, and accusing others of the very things they’re doing and promoting. I just don’t get it.

There are so many similarities to the beginnings of Fascism, Nazism, and Communism. Those leaders (Franco, Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin – among others) promised they were taking care of their people, but in reality, they were just pushing their own personal agendas seeking total control and fattening theirs and their cronies’ coffers. And it’s now happening in this country!

Look at history and it’s true it repeats. Different era, different technology, but the end results are for the same reasons – total control over the masses while getting rich. And this has been true since mankind began.

Funny how there will be a coup in a country and in time, the new leadership becomes the same as the one they overthrew. It’s almost like something happens in people’s brains when they become leaders. All the good they originally promoted (for those who had good intentions), gets thrown out the window. What is that saying? “Power corrupts.”

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