Thursday, July 13, 2023

Do MY Work!


I have so many projects going on, all in various stages. I can’t help it; I have many interests. I am easily sidetracked by other ideas with my mind jumping from one thing to another with little getting fully finished. Then, I seem to get stuck with trying to make decisions, so much so, I end up giving up and doing something else. Which means more things not complete.

Sometimes, I can’t seem to decide between A and B and the indecisiveness cripples me further. My to-do lists grow into multiple pages, and while I manage to complete small chores, the big ones get left by the wayside.

There’s so much on my mind, I can’t think straight and forget things. I find myself getting frustrated and depressed to the point where I’d spend half my days in tears. I’m my own stumbling block. So, what can I do?

Last month in one of my meditations, I asked the Divine Spirts for help and within seconds, got a clear message: “Do your work!”

And I got it. I have to do MY work! (And MY in this instance is in caps.) Not for anyone else per se, but for me. I have to do it FOR ME and my own wellbeing. MY work for me means finishing my books even if they’ll never get published and doing my paintings even if they’ll never exhibit or sell.

The revelation was an awakening. Do MY work! In that moment, I felt excited and inspired. How wonderful it will feel to finish all these projects. What an accomplishment that would be. No, it won’t matter to anyone else, but it will matter to me.

I must keep telling myself this. If I don’t, I start falling into the same old, same old.  Unfortunately, some of the old issues come up. Do I go with A or B? Overthinking becomes a huge obstacle. Still, I’m plodding along and making some headway. Who knows, maybe if I finish the two travel books, I may feel OK to travel again. Wouldn’t that be awesome!

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