Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Another Lesson in Changing What I Think

Living wholeheartedly means paying attention when stress builds up and making adjustments. Sometimes this issue has to knock on the door a few times to get my attention.

For a while I’ve been going on about interruptions to my morning routine. I keep telling myself to go with the flow, but I feel it’s taking longer and longer to get the routine done. I feel the morning passes too fast and I feel guilty for not sitting down to write sooner.

But there’s also been a niggling in my mind. What does it matter if I stick to a strict routine? It’s not like I have to go anywhere. I work from home and outside of the weekly deadline for the newspaper, there are no time constraints, and deviating from my routine doesn’t mean I still won’t do regular morning duties.

Dr. Wayne Dyer always says to change how you think, and once more the lesson comes home. A simple word change can make a big difference – or change what the word means to me.

Routine, for example, doesn’t necessarily mean following steps 1, 2, 3 in exact order, which was what I’ve been trying to do. Then, if I did something else between two and three, I’d feel bad because it would take longer to sit down with my coffee.

Maybe I could think of routine as simply “doing what I do in the morning in however long it takes.” Who said if I get up at 4:50 a.m., I need to be sitting at the table writing by 6:30? Why did I think morning routine was only certain steps? The only person I have to answer to is myself.

It’s important to note stressors and find ways to bring peace to your wellbeing. A simple change in how you think can make a big difference. Sometimes it’s changing one word; finding a word that has more meaning for you.

568. Dear Divine Presence, Thank you for showing me I need to change my thinking about the interruptions in my morning routine. Instead of seeing interruptions, just go with the flow of the moment. I do so during the day … after my morning routine ... why should I think the morning has to be a strict routine? Perhaps it’s time to give up the concept of a morning routine and just do what I do. I’ll still do those normal routine steps, but I now accept that I may do other things, too. And that’s OK.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Being Can Help with Depression

"Summer River" pastel on BF Rives print paper

567. Dear Divine Presence, Thank you for reminding me how doing a little bit of art work, by being creative can change my whole demeanor when I’m feeling down in the dumps. Thank you for showing up even if I forget to ask for help. Love and Success, Sasha.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Art and Seeing God/The Divine in New Light

My biggest, latest revelation came from a section in “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield, when he said to "Make your work an offering to God." The spirits are around us all the time and want to help. He even said things like, "Do you think the muse was whispering in Beethoven's ear?" 

It wasn’t a light bulb that flickered on, but an entire floodlight lit up my mind! I know I receive thoughts and messages from some higher beingness. Doesn't this fall into some of what I say when I write poetry? How my hand just moves when I pick up the pastel? And if the muses and spirits are working with/through us, why AREN'T we offering our work to The Divine?

In my mind, I'm toying with saying God or Divine. There was a long time when I couldn’t even think God and not feel the pressures of the man-controlled Christian church – I’m getting better because I no longer feel God as that manmade construct but as a total loving oneness encompassing the universe.

When I was doing my gratitude prayers the other night and running through the list of (only some) the spirits and angels and more, I thought: Is that why "they" came up with a one God? Because there are too many spirits, gods and goddesses, angels, muses, or whomever in the universe? How do we pray to them all, and if we leave some out, is that a blasphemy? Are we praying to the right one at the right time? How can we give homage to them all? By saying, “God” or “Spirit” or “The Divine” or “Universe” or “Beloved” or whatever, holds meaning in the moment. Or do we take a line from Shakespeare, “A rose by any other name …”

One message has been coming up for years and has been said in various ways. Maybe the most famous was in the movie “Field of Dreams” with Kevin Costner, “Build it and they will come.” Many writers and artists have their own version, but it’s simply just sitting at our desks or standing at the easels and doing our work, following our hearts, and letting ourselves fall onto the page or canvas.

Sometimes, something special happens when we enter that space; when we open our minds to our work/art; when we set everything else aside for the moment and forget to be analytical. Something seemingly outside ourselves slips in and melds with us to fall out onto the page or canvas. It can feel like it comes from outside us, but it’s also inside us. Some call it Muse, some say it’s Divine Presence or God. (And there are some who even know a name for that presence. I’m not one of them, ha-ha, and that’s OK.)

I’ve written often about the Muse; how and when she comes, and if I don’t pay immediate attention, she’ll go away until another day. But, after all these years, and even though I pray, it never occurred to me to ask for help the minute I sit down to work or stand at the easel. I’m usually just grateful if/when she arrives. (I usually feel it as a she.)

So now, besides offering my work to God, I am more consciously invoking helpers when I work. And, as my favorite poet, David Whyte, said, “If you pay attention to the world, the world will pay attention to you.” If we pay attention to receiving help and guidance from the universe, doesn’t it stand to reason we’ll receive it? “Ask, and you shall receive?” (Just remember what we receive might not be exactly what we ask for.)

Today’s thoughts coming through included: It's interesting that when we move away from what the church/man says about God, the more present He or spirits actually seem to be. When we get away from feeling we have to fall on our knees and beg for mercy, the more help we get from the universe just by simply asking or "showing up to do our work." The more we learn to work WITH the Divine, the more it works with us. 

Perhaps it wasn't that God made man in His image, but man made God in the image of himself. A way to control ... And anyway, if God made man in His image, how did it come to be that some men were better than others? From what I always understood, "in his image" never said anything about color or race or gender.

But back to: Do my work as an offering to God. How powerful is that! Whether it's writing, poetry, or painting ... so, if I'm thinking of doing the work as an offering, will that not also call in the muses, angels, spirits, or whomever wants to help in these endeavors? After all, it is all related.

I look around at my pictures on the wall and when I think "offerings to God," tears fill my eyes. It makes my pictures even more beautiful. And when God finds them new homes, a piece of Him will go with the pictures blessing the new homes. It makes me love my work even more! And my books and poetry ... offerings to God. And I am filled with such LOVE.

Monday, February 4, 2019

A reminder for the day

566. Dear Divine Presence, Thank you for showing me a lesson of the day through listening to a song by Jimmy Buffet: “Breathe in, Breathe out, Move on.” Oh, yeah, always need to remind myself of this … or maybe for me, I’ll adjust it to say, “Breathe in, breathe out … take care of the situation … breathe in, breathe out … stop thinking about it … move on.” Love and Success, Sasha.